M.Engg Course Outline:

M.Engg Course Outline:


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List of Courses for M. Engg Programme in Materials Engineering:


Compulsory Courses




Credit Hrs



Phase Transformations in Solids




Production of Ferrous and Non-Ferrous Materials




Deformation Behaviour and Failure Analysis of Materials




Heat Treatment and Microstructure Evolution in Metals




Advanced Materials Characterisation Techniques




Practical/laboratory/Industrial visits with short reports



Elective Courses




Credit Hrs



Surface Engineering and Coating Techniques




Ceramic Engineering




Electronic and Magnetic Materials








Electron Microscopy




Advanced X-Ray Diffraction and Texture Studies




Powder Metallurgy




Polymer Engineering




Corrosion Engineering




Modern Composite Materials




Computational Materials Engineering




Production Management and Quality Assurance




Detailed Contents of Courses for M.Engg Programme in Materials Engineering

MM-501 Phase Transformation in Solids

Equilibrium transfonnations; first order and second order, Order-disorder tr"ansitions, transformations in complex structures, Nucleation and growth processes, Homogeneous and heterogeneous nucleation, Interfaces, grain boundaries and microstructures, Diffusion in the solid state, Diffusion and diffusion less transformations, thermodynamics and kinetics, Spinodal decomposition, Precipitation phenomena and influence on properties, Free energy changes associated with precipitation, Stacking faults, dislocation arrangements and impurity content. Intermediate and stable precipitates. Loss of precipitate/matrix coherency. Over-aging. Order disorder reactions. Shear transformation, Kinetic and crystallographic features, A thermal and isothermal transformation, Burst phenomenon. Stabilization, Thermodynamics of martensitic transfonnations in materials, thermo mechanical treatment, ultra fine grained steels and alloys, Micro- and Nano-phases in alloys and Materials.

MM-502 Production of Ferrous and Non-Ferrous Materials

Engineering practice of the reduction of Iron oxide, Blast furnace operations and productivity, Chemistry of Blast fumaec reactions, Phase equilibria involved in the refining reactions. Refining of irons for various engineering applications, Steel making practice, Refining techniques for engineering steels, Bessemer and electric steel making operations and productivity, Methods of enhancing productivity and efficiency, Direct reduction, Strip casting and interface reaction, Segregation, Solidification involving a peritectic reaction, Design of HSLAs, Low Alloy, Medium Alloy and High Alloy Steels. Current Status of Iron and Steel Industry, New trends in iron and steel making.

Recovery of non-ferrous group of engineering metals and alloys. Engineering of Refining practices for requisite Non-ferrous systems. Development of commercial Non­ferrous metals and alloys. Production of rare earths. Development of Rare earths for various commercial applications. Development, phase equilibrium and characterization of Metallurgical grade and Electronic grade Silicon.

MM-503 Deformation Behaviour and Failure Analysis of Materials

The relationship of mechanical properties to crystal stmcture and to microstructure.
Mechanics of deformation, Applications of crystallography and modem theories of plasticity to the deformation and fracture behaviour of materials. Stmctural features controlling flow strength, work hardening and fractures. Effects of compositions on Yield point and strain aging. The development of prefened orientations in metals and alloys. Deformation and annealing textures. Sources of directional mechanical properties in metals. Application of controlled anisotropy.
Analysis of failed stmctures due to overload, Creep, fatigue, corrosion, Wear and impact with extensive use of analytical techniques, Identification and role of processing, manufacturing and service related defects in failure.
Mechanics of deformation, Elasticity; advanced treatment, Dislocation effects and geometry of deformation, Strengthening mechanisms, Deformation of composites, Single and polycrystalline materials, Fracture mechanics, High temperature fracture, Embrittlement and radiation damage.

MM-504 Heat Treatment and Microstructure Evolution in Metals

Phases and Structures formed during heating and cooling, Pearlite, Ferrite, and Cementite. Martensite and Bainite. Isothermal and Continuous Cooling Transformation Diagrams. Heat Treatments to Produce Ferrite, Bainite and Pearlite. Hardness and Hardenability. Austenite in Steels. Tempering of Steel. Residual austenite and its effect on properties, Special Heat Treatments. Surface Hardening. Surface Modification. Stainless Steels. Tool Steels. Cast Irons. Precipitation Hardening in Steels, Aluminum, copper and Nickel based alloys Relation of stmctural changes and kinetics of transfonnation to continuous heath-eatment. Applications of thermodynamics and mass transport theory. Thermomechanical treahnent. Austempring, Martempring, Maraging, Ausforming, Zero rolling. Defect during heat treatment and their remedies. Vacuum heat treatment, Heat treatment of Special Steels.

MM-505 Advanced Materials Characterisation Techniques

Classical Wet Analytical chemistry, Elemental and Functional Group Analysis, High- Temperature combustion, Inert Gas Fusion, Radio-Analysis.
Spectroscopy: Techniques and instrumentation for analytical measurements, Spectroscopic background (mathematical and physical approaches, Practical applications, examples), Spectroscopy techniques such as Atomic Absorption, Spark Emission, X-Ray Fluorescence, Resonance, Vibration and Inductively Coupled Plasma spectroscopy, Case studies. Gas Analysis by Mass Spectrometry.
Metallographic Techniques: Optical Metallography, Image Analysis.
Diffraction Methods: X-Ray Powder Diffraction, X-Ray Diffraction Residual Stress Techniques. Stereographic projection and relative determination.
Electron Microscopy Methods: Analytical transmission Electron Microscopy, Scanning Electron Microscopy, Electron Probe X-Ray Microanalysis, Low-Energy Electron Diffraction.
Chromatography: Gas Chromatography, Mass Chromatography, Ion Chromatography.
Other Techniques: Scanning Probe Microscopy (SPM), Scanning Tunneling Microscopy (STM) and Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM).

MM-531 Surface Engineering and Coating Techniques

Basis of Surface engineering, Surface Energy, Thermodynamics of Surfaces, Surface Reconstruction Models, Surface tension, Wetting, Adsorption Models and Surface Area Analysis based on Absorption, Surface interactions with Ion Beams, Electron Beams and Radiations. Surface Charge Layers, Measurement of Surface Potential (Zeta Potential), Surface Analysis Techniques.
Classification of Surface Coatings, Chemical Methods for Surface Coatings, Hard chrome plating, Decorative Chromium plating, Ni Plating, Electro less Ni Plating, Electro less Ni-P-Co coating. Thin magnetic coatings for magnetic applications. Zn plating, Brass plating, Silver Plating, Gold Plating. Hot dip Galvanized coating, Al coating of steel. Oxidation spray coating. Oxidation protective coatings, Phosphate conversion coating. Chromate conversion coatings, aluminum anodizing. Coatings for Mechanical Applications, Thermal Methods for Surface Coatings, High Temperature coatings, high temperature coating systems, Plasma Spraying, Thin Films, PVD, CVD and PECVD techniques, Coating Growth, Coating Characterization and applications, Coatings for wear resistance.

MM-532 Ceramic Engineering

Crystal Structures and Origin of Ceramics, Physical and Thermal properties of Ceramics, Structure of Ceramics, Silicate Ceramics, Imperfections in Ceramics, Ceramic phase Diagrams, Mechanical Properties of Ceramic Materials. Stress-Strain behaviour, Miscellaneous Mechanical Considerations, Processing of ceramic Powders, Powder Characterization and data analysis, Sintering Thermodynamics and Kinetics, Novel Sintering Techniques, Characterization of Sintered Products, Study of Transition Alumina and Transformation Toughening in Ceramics Development Fabrication and Processing of Carbides and Nitrides, Characterization of Carbide and Nitride Ceramics.

MM-533 Advanced Magnetic Materials

Classification of materials according to magnetic properties, Graphical representation
of magnetic properties, magnetization curve, Hystersis loop. Squareness factors.
Types of magnetic behaviour. Ferromagnetic domains. Experimental evidence for domains. Single domain particles. Domain wall motion. Hindrance to wall motion. Ferromagnetic materials. Soft magnetic Materials, Desirable properties for soft magnetic materials.
Iron-Silicon Alloys, Ni-Fe alloys, soft ferrites for electronic applications. Potential applications of soft magnetic materials. Hard magnetic Materials: Properties of Hard magnetic materials, Alnico alloys, hard ferrites, origin of Ferromagnetism in rare Earth transition Permanent Magnets. Rare earth based permanent magnets. Processing and physical metallurgy ofRFeB permanent magnets. Comparison ofRFeB and SmCo Magnets. Effect of alloying additions in N dF eB based permanent magnets. Potential application of permanent magnets.

MM-534 Nanotechnology

Review of nanotechnology, Processing, synthesis and characterization of nanomaterials, particles and nanoparticles Carbon nanotubes, C60, SWT and MWT, carbon clusters, synthetic and nanocrystalline diamond, structure, properties and applications, solid fuels, sensors, catalysts and reinforcements, self assembly phenomenon, Organic and biomedical materials, nanostructured materials, Nanomachines and nanodevices, Example of recent nano developments and products.

MM-535 Electron Microscopy

Electron microscopy of materials. Specimen preparation techniques, Image fonning techniques, Image forming techniques and crystallographic information, Image interpretation and characterizations of microstructures, Convergent beam, weak beam and microanalysis of thin foils, Working principles of different types of electron microscopes; TEM, SEM, STEM, HREM. Examples of Electron microscopy in materials engineering.

MM-536 Advanced X-Ray Diffraction and Texture Studies

X-ray physics, including X-ray spectra (both continuous and characteristic), X-ray production (both conventional and synchrotron sources), X-ray absorption, X-ray fluorescence, and X-ray safety. The theory of diffraction of X-rays, determination of direction and intensities of diffracted beams; calculation of the structure factor and diffraction problems. Crystallography; Crystallographic calculations; Properties of common crystal structures of engineering materials. The stereographic projection and depicting angular relationships in crystals. Practical examples of use of stereographic projection in solving crystallographic problems. The reciprocal lattice, reciprocal space and expression of diffraction phenomena in terms of the reciprocal lattice. Specific X-ray analysis techniques, including single crystal diffraction, the powder diffraction method, use of the X-ray diffractometer, indexing of powder patterns, precision lattice parameter determination, thin film diffraction, phase diagram determination, use of the JCPDS database, and the determination of preferred orientation. Applications of XRD in the study of materials. Texture and its effect on mechnical and physical properties, Texture Studies of Materials.

MM-537 Powder Metallurgy

  1. methods for production of metal powders, powder characterization
    and testing, powder conditioning and function of addition agents. Consolidation of metal powders, Cold Isostatic Compacting, Hot Isostatic Compacting, Production of parts by Powder metallurgy techniques. Powder Injection Molding, Spray Forming.
    Theory of Sintering, Sintering Practice, Sintering Atmospheres, Sintering Furnaces. Powder Metallurgy of Refractory and Reactive Metals, Powder metallurgy of Super Alloys, Dispersion-Strengthened materials. Secondary Operation Performed on P/M parts and products. Inspection and Quality Control for P/M Materials. The Economic of P/M Production.

MM-538 Polymer Engineering

Review of structure and properties of polymeric materials, their deformation and failure mechanisms, and the design and fabrication of polymeric end items. The molecular and crystallographic structures of polymers related to the elastic, viscoelastic, yield and fracture properties. Polymeric solids and reinforced polymer composites. Fabrication techniques including: extrusion, injection moulding, reaction injection molding, thermoforming, and blow molding. Configuration of Polymer chains, Thermodynamics and phase equilibria in polymer systems, Viscoelasticity and rubber elasticity, Deformation mechanisms in glassy amorphous polymers, Toughening mechanisms in polymers, Materials selection, manufacturing engineering, properties, and applications of polymers. Rubber, classes of dry rubber compounds, vulcanization process, Compounding of rubbers, such as carbon blacks, politicizes and age resisters, characterization of rubbers, silicon rubber

MM-539 Corrosion Engineering

Corrosion and erosion, Stoichiometric and non-stoichiometric crystals, Effects of impurities, Solid state electrochemistry, Oxidation of metals and alloys, Electrochemistry of corrosion. COHosion behavior diagrams, Pourbaix diagrams, Activation Polarization. Concentration Polarization, Combined Polarization. Reference electrodes. Polarization resistance measurement, Galvanostatic behavior of metals, The three electrode cell and the Filog I Plot. Mixed Potential Theory. Mechanisms of growth and breakdown of passive films. COHosion rate detennination, Application of thermodynamics to corrosion. Crevice and Pitting corrosion, intergranular corrosion. Stress corrosion cracking, Erosion corrosion, Cavitations damage, De-alloying. Environmental-sensitive cracking, Mechanisms of environment-sensitive cracking. Street corrosion Electrode Kinetics, Practical aspects of environment-sensitive cracking. Electroplating, methods of corrosion prevention. Cathodic and Anodic protection, Inhibitors and types of inhibitors. Performance of materials in specific environments, Soil potential and resistivity measurement, Coatings and inhibitors, Pipeline and oil rig protection.

MM-540 Modern Composites Materials

Review of Composite materials, basic principles, applications and properties, Particle Reinforced Composites, Large-Particle Composites, Dispersion Strengthened Composites, processing of reinforcements, Fiber-Reinforced Composites, Influence of Fiber Length, Influence of Fiber Orientation and Concentration. Metal Matrix composites, Ceramic Matrix Composites, Hybrid composites, Processing of Fiber-Reinforced Composites, Development Processing and Characterization of Structural Composites, Treatment of thermal, electrical, optical and magnetic properties of composite materials, Relationship of structural and processing variables to the microstructure and service behaviour of composite materials, Nanocomposites.

MM-541 Modern Computational Materials Engineering

Review of Computer Basics and programming, Techniques in Computer simulation, Finite element analysis, Monte Carlo methods, General Methodology, Thermodynamics and Phase Diagrams, Kinetics & Microstructure Modeling, Process Modeling, Integrated Selection of Materials and Processes, Calculation of materials properties starting from microscopic theories. Designing of new materials, modifying materials properties and optimizing chemical processes. Practical examples and programming in computational materials engineering.

MM-542 Production Management and Quality Assurances

Management process: Decision making, system analysis, leadership process, group behavior, organization. Traditional planning techniques: Gantt chart, Milestone method, Line of balance technique. PERT / CPM: Basic elements of critical path analysis, Arrow diagram, activity on-node, Resource allocation leveling, Project building & control. Applications.Quality, reliability, & maintainability: definitions, management of quality control, economic aspects of quality decision, capability & variability analysis, various aspects of life testing, reliability, & maintainability, introduction to ISO 9000, six Sigma.